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jakarta, jakarta selatan, Indonesia
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Mocktail is a non-alcoholic drinks made ​​from some types of mixed drinks.

Below are some types of mocktail and mixture ingredients are sold in lounge :

-Shirley Temple
7-Up, Lime Juice and Gerenadine
-Virgin Colada
Pinneaple,Lime Juice and Coconut Milk
-Virgin Daiquiri
Lime Juice and Syrup
-Straits Punch
Lime, Mango and Pinneaple Juice, Peach Fruit, Milk and Syrup
-Fruit Punch*
Pinneaple, Orange, Lime and Mango

This is some kinds of cocktail that sold in the Palm Lounge :

Pinneaple Juice, Cococnut Cream and Banana
Orange, Pinneaple and Lime Juice, Peach, Fruit, Egg Yolk and Gerenadine
Pinneaple and Lime Juice, Peach Fruit, Milk and Syrup
-Roy Roger
Pepsi and Gerenadine
-Virgin Mary
Tomato Juice, Tabasco and HP Sauce
-JB Cooler
Orange Juice, Vanilla Ice Cream and Milk
-Lime Lite
Guava, Pinneaple and Lime Juice, Gerenadine and 7-Up
-Frozen Stulang Breeze
Blended Pinneaple Juice, Banana and Strawberry Fruit

*Mocktail which is most ordered by guest `onion

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Cocktail is an alcoholic beverage made of some kinds of the mixture such as juice, whiskey, vodka and others.

Below is a kinds of cocktail and the mixture are sold at Palm Lounge :

-Ak 47
Brandy, Rum, Vodka, Whisky,m Triple Sec, Lime Juice and Syrup
Brandy, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Whisky, Vodka, and Stout
-Long Island Tea
Gin, Rum, Tequila, Triple Sec, Vodka, Lime Juice, Syrup and Pepsi
Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime Juice and Sugar Syrup
-Pina Colada
Bacardi, Pinneaple Juice, Coconut Cream and Syrup
-Singapore Sling
Benedictine DOM, Gin, Cherry Brandy, Pinneaple Lime Juice, Gerenadine and Soda Water

This is some kinds of cocktail that used in the Palm Lounge :

-Bloody Mary
Vodka, Salt, Pepper, HP Sauce, Tabasco and Tomato Juice
Rum, Lime Juice, Pinneaple Juice, and Sugar Syrup
Creme de Menthe, Creme de Cacao Green and Milk
Brandy, Kahlua, Sambucca and Milk
-Mai Tai
Dark and White Rum, Triple Sec, Galliano, Orange and Pinneaple Juice, Grenadine
-Martini Dry
Dry Martini and Gin
-Pink Lady
Gin, Triple Sec, Lime Juice, Egg White, Syrup, and Gerenadine
Orange Cordial, Gerenadine, Cream de Cacao, Creme de Menthe Green, Blue Curcao, Cointreau, and Brandy
-Round The World
Rum, Gin, Tequila, Vodka, Triple Sec and Pinneaple Juice
Vodka and Orange Juice
-Tequila Sunrise
Tequila, Orange Juice and Gerenadine
Dark and White Rum, Apricot Brandy, Orange, Lime Juice and Gerenadine

*cocktail which is most ordered by guest `onion

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How to open a wine:
1. Take a red napkin and place it on the left hand
2. Hold the wine bottle on the left hand
3. Hold your right hand next to the wine opener
4. Use a small knife in wine opener to open a plastic bottle at the top, by turning
5. Plug the top cover with the wine opener is a spiral-shaped middle part
6. Once stuck, turn to the right wine opener
7. After that, pull wine openers that have been stuck in slowly, using handle of wine opener.
8. It should not be sound as appealing wine bottle cap.`onion

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Champagne and Sparkling Wine

Pinot Noir is the classic grape of Champagne. It is pressed immediately after picking in order to yield white juice. Blended with Pinot Gris and Pinot Blanc then topped with Liquer Douxe, it creates the unique speciality of the sparkling wine and - as it is only labelled in Champagne, France - Champagne.

According to the tradition initiated by the late monk Perignon by using the methods of Champagnoise, finer bubbles were able to be created in the wine of French Sparkling wine that are produced in the Champagne region.

In the other regions, more modern methods are used to make the bubbles seem slightly larger than in Champagne.`onion

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