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jakarta, jakarta selatan, Indonesia
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Brandy is distilled from fermented fruits, sometimes aged in oak caks and usually bottled at 80 proof. Long enjoyed as an after dinner drink, brandy is also widely used in mixed drinks. The term brandy, used alone, means a spirit distillrd from grape wine.

Fruit beandies are colour less, 80 to 90 proof spirits and are distilled directly from fruits. Fruit brandies made from cherries are called Krisch or Kirschwasser. The ones that are made from pears and raspberries are respectiveely called Poire and Framboise. They're best served chilled ice.

Fruit - flavoured brandies are brandy like blacberries, peaches, apricots, cherries and many more.

Brandies are good enough to be sipped undil;uted out of snifer and dont need to be heated over candle. The warmth of a hand is sufficient to chance the bouquet.


All cognag is brandy, but not all brandy is cognac.

Hennesy was one of the first ti introduce a syste that would help consumer differentiate the various type of cognac. VSOP (Very Special Old Pale) refers to blend taht are not less then 4 years old. The descriptor AO (Extra Old) denotes a blend of considerabl;e age. Other descriptions such as Napoleom, Extra, Vielle Reserve and Vieux have similar meanings. `onion

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